Using Temps to Increase Productivity

Work Productivity and temps

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Nearly every business in the world could benefit from workforce flexibility. But what many professionals don’t realize is that “temps” can be used for more than just fill-ins for sick and vacation time. In fact, when used strategically, temporary staffing can improve productivity, increase capacity to handle spikes in workload and provide access to specialized skill sets – all without increasing your fixed expenses.

So how can you maximize the efficiency and productivity of your temporary employees? Follow these 5 key steps:

Step #1: Determine the type of person you need and define the required skills.
Meet with managers and those who will be working with the temporary employee to determine which skills are ideal for the position you are trying to fill. Examine top performers you already have on staff to determine what skills have made them successful. And finally, work closely with your staffing agency and provide as much detail as possible.

Step #2: Work with an experienced staffing agency.
Find an agency that has experience in your industry. Not only will an experienced staffing agency know where to look to find the right person, but they will also be able to help you determine things like an appropriate pay rate for a particular position.

Step #3: Provide a solid orientation and training program.
Include information such as working hours, breaks and lunch schedules, any safety regulations or company rules, and contact information for direct supervisors. You may also want to assign a core staff member or supervisor to help orient the temporary employee.

Step #4: Communicate clearly and openly.
Make sure your temporary employees understand what’s expected from them. Encourage employees to ask questions and make sure they know who to direct those questions to.

Step #5: Check in regularly.
Be sure to take a minute or two at several points throughout the first day to check in and gauge progress. Set specific days/times you plan to check in throughout the week to answer any questions and monitor progress.

Bringing a temporary employee on board at your company can offer a host of benefits – as long as that employee is managed properly. And from our experience, hard-working and properly managed temporary employees often become leading candidates for full-time openings.

If you’re interested in hiring temporary employees or just want to learn more about how temporary employees can help your company, contact Stivers today. As a leading staffing and temporary employment agency, we can deliver the flexible staff you need without increasing your permanent workforce.

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